Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dropping off Søster Millika E. Holbrook at the Missionary Training Center in Provo.

Today was a bitter sweet day. This time I was MORE prepared so I knew it was going to be really hard. But I will have to say this... It was NOT as hard as when we did it with McKay three years ago so that is good .... AND hey this is "only" 18 months.. NOT TOO BAD at all ;o).

Søster Holbrook is sayging see you in 18 month to Lulu. She will be missed by many!

 Søster Holbrook in the car on the way to the MTC. I think she is ready!!

 Going to serve in the same mission as her BFF is not bad at all. They will share many great memories. 

Of course it had to be Cafe Rio for Søster Holbrook's "last meal" with the family. She will for sure miss that BUT hey.. Denmark has the BEST food so she will be fine!

 Our 3 treasures. They are for sure the very best Heaven had to offer us and we count ourselves blessed to be their parents.

 It is ALL about eternal families... the Provo temple says it all.

 It is here ..... she is going into the MTC.

Søster Holbrook saying see you in Denmark to Emilie!!

 I am NOT good at saying see you later and I NEVER will be!

Last Daddy Hug for a while.

Last family picture for 18 month!

AND.... She is off. She never cried or looked back. She is so excited to serve the Lord  and especially to serve Him in Denmark!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Søster Holbrook's Setting apart as a missionary!

WOW.... I am lost for words. IT was one of the MOST spiritual times I have had and felt in a very LONG time. From the time Mika started the visit with a wonderful prayer till McKay ended it with another great prayer was AMAZING!! The spirit was SO STRONG you could almost "cut" it and this is REALLY what life is about ... I just wanted to bottle that feeling up and have it always.

 Grandpa and Grandma were there to share this special night with us.

 Mika and Emilie were also there!!

McKay and Daddy were of course there too.

 Søster Holbrook learning how to use her new camera so she can take MANY great pictures for us here at home.

 AND ..... She is now really Søster Holbrook! Look how happy she looks !!

Loving Lulu a lot so she can bottle that up for the next 18 months in Denmark ;o)

I am so glad I had a chance to share this very special night with our family and of course Søster Holbrook. She is going to be a WONDERFUL servant of the Lord and I am looking forward to seeing what she will do in Denmark.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Søster Holbrook's Farewell was a good time to say "på gensyn" - See YOU in 18 months!

Søster Holbrook spoke on "How to retain a remission of your sins always" using Elder Bednar's talk from April Conference 2016. I think it was a wonderful talk and I know she will go and serve the Lord with great purpose.  I was not good at taking pictures but I did still get a few!

 Great Danish friends here with Lincoln.

 Søster Holbrook ... she is ready to serve.

A GREAT friend Kiya, that Søster Holbrook went to High School with!

Emilie, Mika and Petey. AWESOME "kids".

BFF's and cousins! Morgan and Mille/Søster Holbrook.

The Farewell is over and the crowd is gone. We are ready to take Søster Holbrook to the MTC on Wednesday!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Family and Mission Pictures on Temple Square

It is family pictures time again and this will be the last time for at least 18 months while Millika will serve the mission in Denmark. It is always an ordeal to get it done and done right but I think this time they turned out cute. Here are a few samples.

Family Picture 2016.

 Surrounding our Søster Holbrook !!!


 Three Holbrook's to ALL serve in the Denmark Copenhagen Mission. What a treat!

 Søster Holbrook ready to serve the Lord!

 We will miss sweet princess or is it angel of ours.

 You gotta LOVE This one. Danish "pride" ;o)

Søster Holbrook and Emilie hit it of right away just like her Mom and me did way back in the 80's. BFF's FOREVER!!

Søster Holbrook is going back to where she was born!

 She will bring the one gift that will change people forever just like the Book of Mormon changed me!

 Standing behind our missionary always.