We have known for MANY years that Søster Millika E. Holbrook is very talented and creative but I think she did an amazing job on her pumpkin this year even better than we though she could crave it!!
Søster Millika E. Holbrook has always loved sheep. I am not sure why she just does and here she is with a few of them looking so cute!
The monthly zone training this time was for all of Sjælland because they has a visit from the area Presidency, pretty special to have a General Authority come.
Four cute sister missionaries. Denmark is so blessed to have hard working missionaries.
What a NICE looking group of missionaries. So grateful that our daughter is one of them serving in beautiful Denmark.
This week has been great! I have officially finished my first transfer in Denmark! WHAT. How can time go so fast? It is honestly so crazy. I guess time flies when you're having fun? Don't get me wrong, the mission is hard work, but it is so so so fun. Especially when things go wrong. I guess its because I had this idea of what a mission would be (bike problems, people bailing on you, baptisms, strong promptings, waking up early, getting stuffed at members homes, etc) that every times something happens I am just so happy because "Hey, I am on a mission and I am in Denmark." I like collecting every moment because missions are the good and the bad. and I just can't help but be happy that I get to be on a mission.
This week Sister Ludlow and I were trying to achieve President O'Bryant's challenge of "a perfect day." A perfect day would be one member present and 7 hours of our "lines in the water." Well, the adversary was really working hard against us on that one. My bike has been giving me trouble for the last week, and on THE perfect day, my bike tire popped, our member that was supposed to come to our lesson was sick, and it has never been so windy here on Amager than that day. Obviously we didn't statically reach the perfect day, but man we worked hard and would not let our disappointment hinder us! We were blessed for our persistence because one of our potential investigators became an investigator this week and he really wants to meet with us again AND he wants to come to church next week! He said "the timing was just right. Had you knocked on my door four months ago, I probably would've told you to keep walking. I am really happy to learn more from you guys." Can you imagine how happy he will be when he allows the atonement of Jesus Christ to heal him and help him and strengthen him????? I am beyond excited and happy for that moment. hopefully he will accept and embrace it.
Thanks for the prayers!
Søster Holbrook
Look how happy they are seeing Mormor and Morfar. What a treat it is for these sweet sisters to have lunch with them twice a month, a blessing for all four of them.
How sweet I wish I was "a fly" on the wall to see THAT hug... so tender I LOVE it!!
You just can't help but smile when you see these two faces!! You just gotta LOVE them, I know I do ;o)
Søster Millika E. Holbrook has had bike problems this week. Her bike tire went flat and Morfar came to the rescue.
Two CUTE sisters and a Morfar that want a piece of the action too... SO FUNNY!!
Søster Ludlow and Søster Holbrook, they are learning and growing together! So glad that they had a chance to share this time together in Denmark. What a blessing!
What a great time Søster Millika E. Holbrook has had this week in Denmark. She is working hard and loving it. They had transfers today and these two sisters got another 6 weeks together which they are very happy about. Now onto another week with more work for the Lord and more places to see!