Monday, October 31, 2016

Zone Conference, lunch date with Mormor and Morfar and craving pumpkins!

So it has been another great week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook in Denmark. She is loving life and enjoying the work for the Lord. I am so glad and it is a joy to sit back and enjoy the ride and watch her change and grow.

We have known for MANY years that Søster Millika E. Holbrook is very talented and creative but I think she did an amazing job on her pumpkin this year even better than we though she could crave it!!

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook has always loved sheep. I am not sure why she just does and here she is with a few of them looking so cute!

The monthly zone training this time was for all of Sjælland because they has a visit from the area Presidency, pretty special to have a General Authority come.

 Four cute sister missionaries. Denmark is so blessed to have hard working missionaries.

What a NICE looking group of missionaries. So grateful that our daughter is one of them serving in beautiful Denmark. 

 Here is her email for the week:

This week has been great! I have officially finished my first transfer in Denmark! WHAT. How can time go so fast? It is honestly so crazy. I guess time flies when you're having fun? Don't get me wrong, the mission is hard work, but it is so so so fun. Especially when things go wrong. I guess its because I had this idea of what a mission would be (bike problems, people bailing on you, baptisms, strong promptings, waking up early, getting stuffed at members homes, etc) that every times something happens I am just so happy because "Hey, I am on a mission and I am in Denmark." I like collecting every moment because missions are the good and the bad. and I just can't help but be happy that I get to be on a mission.

This week Sister Ludlow and I were trying to achieve President O'Bryant's challenge of "a perfect day." A perfect day would be one member present and 7 hours of our "lines in the water." Well, the adversary was really working hard against us on that one. My bike has been giving me trouble for the last week, and on THE perfect day, my bike tire popped, our member that was supposed to come to our lesson was sick, and it has never been so windy here on Amager than that day. Obviously we didn't statically reach the perfect day, but man we worked hard and would not let our disappointment hinder us! We were blessed for our persistence because one of our potential investigators became an investigator this week and he really wants to meet with us again AND he wants to come to church next week!  He said "the timing was just right. Had you knocked on my door four months ago, I probably would've told you to keep walking. I am really happy to learn more from you guys." Can you imagine how happy he will be when he allows the atonement of Jesus Christ to heal him and help him and strengthen him????? I am beyond excited and happy for that moment. hopefully he will accept and embrace it.

Thanks for the prayers!

Søster Holbrook

 Look how happy they are seeing Mormor and Morfar. What a treat it is for these sweet sisters to have lunch with them twice a month, a blessing for all four of them.

 How sweet I wish I was "a fly" on the wall to see THAT hug... so tender I LOVE it!!

 You just can't help but smile when you see these two faces!! You just gotta LOVE them, I know I do ;o)

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook has had bike problems this week. Her bike tire went flat and Morfar came to the rescue.

 Two CUTE sisters and a Morfar that want a piece of the action too... SO FUNNY!! 

Søster Ludlow and Søster Holbrook, they are learning and growing together! So glad that they had a chance to share this time together in Denmark. What a blessing!

What a great time Søster Millika E. Holbrook has had this week in Denmark. She is working hard and loving it. They had transfers today and these two sisters got another 6 weeks together which they are very happy about. Now onto another week with more work for the Lord and more places to see!

Monday, October 24, 2016

30 days in Denmark for Søster Millika E. Holbrook

Wow... it is hard to believe that Søster Millika E. Holbrook has already  been in Denmark for 30 days now.  Time has gone by fast and I am so grateful for what she is learning and how she is growing. She has a chance to do many things this week like teach lessons, go to the mission home for a 3 day training and go to the temple.

 Training at the mission home.

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook group she traveled to Denmark with.

 All snug and ready for a great night.

Helping make dessert I think... What a cute missionary!

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook is having a chat with President O'Bryant.

 Another great dinner at the mission home!

 Training in Copenhagen.

A great session at the Copenhagen Temple. Søster Millika E. Holbrook LOVED it and she thinks it might be her favorite temple now :o).

Here is our email of the week from Søster Millika E. Holbrook:

This week as been great! All the new missionaries that have been in Denmark for 30 days got to go to President's house for a "30 day in field training" which was incredible. In the MTC, Elder Cook said that a lot of missionaries get called to specific missions because they need the guidance that that specific mission president and wife can give them, and he says it happens often enough that we should all pay special attention to the lessons we can learn from them. Well, I know that to be true for sure! President is a businessman so they way he teaches is something I am so familiar with that it really all just connects with me! One thing that he taught us this last week is to find joy IN the work, and not just FROM the work.

We had the opportunity to go to the temple this week too which was awesome. It was just what I needed! Also I might have to say that I may have found my new favorite temple. But I actually can't remember the inside of the bountiful temple anymore (which is/was my favorite temple) so I don't actually know if this one wins. Anyway, there is just a special peace that comes from the temple and being there just makes me so happy. :)

We found TWO new progressing investigators this week! They actually a family of 6, but we've only talked to the two parents. They are really very Christian but they are so open to learning.  We don't want to just throw scriptures at each other , but instead we want to learn in an environment where the Spirit can be present. We also found three new really good potentials this week in one of our bank på (knocking) sessions. The Lord really has prepared specific people for us.

Thanks for the support!
Søster Holbrook 

 Søster Ludlow and Søster Millika E. Holbrook at a members home for a wonderful time eating dinner and doing genealogy. 

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook and a sweet lady that her Daddy knew while he served in the Denmark Copenhagen mission. The world is VERY small in the church.

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook is showing us the homemade Chicken Noodle soup Søster Ludlow made for them on a rainy day. How SWEET! She said her Companion is a keeper :o)

One of the MANY ice-cream shop in Denmark and they are all so good!

I am so glad that she is serving in Denmark. She is meeting so MANY great people and touching many lives. She is HAPPY and love being a missionary. One happy daughter and then you have one HAPPY Mommy ;o)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Great week on Amager for Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

Søster Millika E. Holbrook is loving her time as a missionary and she has seen some great places and met some wonderful people this week. She is learning a lot about Denmark and the people that live there which is pretty awesome.

 Look at that chocolate ice-cream it looks VERY GOOD!!

Søster Millika E. Holbrook is sad here because the field has already been harvested but what she can not see YET is... that the seeds have already been planted again and soon she can harvest that!

From Søster Millika E. Holbrook's email to us this week:

This week was much better for missionary work! We had FOUR investigators in church this week! .  We had great lessons with our investigators this week  and we found some good potentials; so we've got a lot of things in the works!
As for me, I am doing well! I have been totally at peace while contacting this week! The Lord has blessed me with no anxiety at all, which makes the work SO much less stressful. Elder Bednar's talk from conference changed my life! I think one of the reasons I have had no anxiety this week is because I heard that talk and wow. was it a call to repentance.  Because I believe IN the Savior, but like Elder Bednar cautioned, I don't  think I really 100% believed the Savior and His promises so I prayed and to some extent said "Lord, I believe. Help me in my unbelief" And ever since that prayer I've had less and less fear and anxiety. He has helped me with my unbelief and has shown us that big miracles can happen. We were  blessed with FOUR investigators at church!! (our entire zone only had 8 this week.) I promise that God really does work miracles and that life is 198432 times better when you not only believe IN the Savior, but believe him.
I really truly do love this great missionary work. We were riding our bikes home Friday night and we saw some people having a good time and I just thought about what I would normally be doing on a Friday night and what I'm doing now and I was so happy!!! I love where I am and what I am doing and who I am becoming.
Love you all!

Søster Holbrook 

 Two wonderful Sister missionaries!!

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook got a new WARM jacket and it looks great!

Lunch time with Morfar is always great and Mormor is so good at taking pictures which I LOVE!!

 Mormor, Morfar and Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

 At their apartment dropping of the goodies from home.
 Nice older building with lots of places to live.

And here are the 2 sweet sisters!!

 Beautiful old buildings.

The district had a good P-Day together seeing how the Danes used to live many years ago!

This is very Danish and I LOVE it!! So green and beautiful!

 Two cute Sister Missionaries.

 I just LOVE pigs and these ones are just too cute!!

 Great picture of some wonderful missionaries!

SO SWEET!! These two young ladies are having a good time together learning from each other. 

It has been a great week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook and she is just loving being a missionary!! I am so glad that she is enjoying it so much!! I have been in Denmark these last two weeks and it has been interesting being on the same side of the world as her. I love my home country it is very beautiful and it has been wonderful seeing family and friends again!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Time Flies when you have fun!!

Søster Millika E. Holbrook has already been in the mission field for 3 weeks and I must say it has been a lot easier on this Missionary Mommy this time. When McKay was in Denmark on the mission I could not even go into his room for the first year without crying but with Søster Millika E. Holbrook it has not been that way at all. Not that I love McKay more I just KNOW that Søster Millika E. Holbrook is doing great and it is her time to be there now :o)

Here is part of her email to us this week:

After this week I think I can finally say I feel like a full fledged missionary! I have a bike (yes I've already crashed once) , I spoke in sacrament meeting.. IN DANISH, the Lord blesses us way more than we probably deserve, we have an investigator on dåbsdato, aaaaaand almost every appointment fell through this week. Luckily, I have had a lot of help from above with not letting the emotions of the natural man invade my thoughts. After a rough week it is easy to get discouraged or feel like a failure, but I have to keep reminding myself that as long as I keep trying hard, keep improving the person that I am (or becoming), and keep my eye single to the glory of God, all will be well. (thanks Daddy for that reminder last week!) There is no room for fear or self-doubt or feeling like a failure in my heart. That is to look inward and as a disciple of Christ I've committed to always look outward. To keep pressing on. To keep building my faith! And so, God has comforted me all week. That being said, I hope next week is more productive and investigators are more responsive. But if not, you can count on the fact that I will keep on keeping on!

 Look at those ice-creams and wonderful Sisters!!

Søster Millika E. Holbrook did not like that this was put on a shirt but it is a truth so we better enjoy it.

These SWEET members knew McKay while he served in Denmark and they got a chance to say hello to Søster Millika E. Holbrook. What a blessing it is they the BFF's siblings serve in the same mission.

 She has to point this out of course. Pokemon Forever!!

 Denmark is so GREEN!!

Just look at these 2 sisters... It looks like they are having a BLAST together!!
So sweet, fun and tender. I am so glad they are together and that they are learning and growing from each other.

The weeks fly by I think and they are so good for Søster Millika E. Holbrook. I know this was a harder week for her but her spirit was high and she is pushing on. Thanks for sharing the greatest gift with the people of Denmark.


Monday, October 3, 2016

Another week in the mission field for Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

It has been another week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook in the mission field and she is having a BLAST. This week she got her bike from Mormor and Morfar, had dinner appointments with the sweet members of the Amager Branch, Zone Conference, taught some lessons AND General Conference weekend. All in all a SUPER great missionary week.

 The milk is tasting great in Denmark like any other food. She is blessed to be there even with the food :o)

 A typical Danish street in the city.

 Two sweet Sister Missionaries.  

 These two sisters are having too much fun together, it is almost like it is no work at all and yet they are working hard together.

 I am thinking she is missing an Elder Grant in Uganda today.

 Yep.... I was right here she is wearing his basketball shirt.

A little from Søster Millika E. Holbrook's email this week to us:

Life here in Amager is wonderful. Especially when its general conference weekend. It really did feel like Christmas!

I was reading in Alma 29 and I came across the verse "this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." Isn't this similar to God's work and glory? Isn't He really happy when one soul comes home? Are we not trying to become like God? Isn't charity the greatest characteristic of all? (1 Corinthians 13:13). And isn't charity the pure love of Christ? And doesn't Christ invite all people come unto Him? So shouldn't we love everyone? And help them all to come home? Shouldn't we be MEMBER MISSIONARIES? I know I nag you all a lot about this, but seriously it is SO important. The branch members that help us here make everything so much easier! The support we get from them helps us out in ways I can't even begin to describe. This is the most important work ever! Listen again to Elder Oaks' conference address that he gave just two days ago if you don't believe me. and if you do, listen to it again anyways. it was just that good!! 

 BIG HUGS for Morfar at their lunch date with him and Mormor.

Just SWEET!!

 Morfar, Søster Millika E. Holbrook and Mormor.

 Until next time and another lunch date. Nice bike Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook baring her testimony in Danish at Zone Conference.

 The FIRST Zone Conference for Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

 General Conference Weekend.

It has been a wonderful week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook. She is working hard and is learning a ton. We too enjoyed this week with General Conference and a wonderful spirit in our heart. How we LOVE this little Sister Missionary. Keep working hard and know you are missed ;o)