Monday, November 28, 2016

Another great week on Amager for Søster Millika E. Holbrook.

So it has been another week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook on Amager and she LOVES it there.  She loves her companion Søster Ludlow and they have been teaching some great lessons and people this week too. They are a strong pair of missionaries for the Lord and they LOVE Him .

Søster Holbrook  and Søster Ludlowwhat a great pair.

 They got a good deal on hamburger meat I guess. Maybe they are having taco's !!
Email from Søster Millika E. Holbrook this week was SHORT:


Just kidding guys. I don't actually have time to write anything this week. We did have a SUPER cool story while contacting this week though! But you'll have to wait until next week to hear it.

Enjoy the pictures!"

You can see I was NOT kidding that is ALL we got as a shared email :o) No Hello or goodbye just that. But hey she is working hard and that is really what matters and soon we will get to see her on Christmas Day :o)

Awesome looking group of people!! 

They had there 2 week lunch date with Mormor and Morfar this week and of course that is always fun. Søster Holbrook shared the message from the church for December "Light the World" which is such a wonderful message.

Two LIGHTS in the world. How we love these to missionaries.

it is a special time to share a good meal together. Søster Holbrook will miss that when she gets transferred maybe away for them.

 Biking Sister missionaries. They are getting a lot of time outside and that is great for them.

Yet an order wonderful week for Søster Holbrook in Denmark. They are having transfers in the next few weeks and that is always a little hard because these to care so much for each other. BUT... They have learned so much by being together and I am sure they will see each other if they do get split up soon. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

It is getting really cold in little Denmark but Søster Millika E. Holbrook is handling it great!

So the winter and the clod weather is getting more and more in Denmark but Søster Millika E. Holbrook is handling. She is a tough little cookie that one and we are so proud of her! Søster Ludlow and her worked hard this week and they felt the Lord's love and help in the work. The gospel is AWESOME!!

AND of course they had to have ice-cream again this week even though it is getting cold. There is ALWAYS room for ice-cream :o)


 BEAUTIFUL Sister missionaries ;o)

Here is Søster Millika E. Holbrook email for the week: 

Hey everyone!

This last week has been a good one. Sister Ludlow and I have been just getting work done! We talk to everyone we can and the Lord has blessed us with success because of it! We handed out three book of mormons in one contacting session! WOOT! . I love being a missionary. I love Sister Ludlow. She is an incredible human and I'm so grateful for all the things she's taught me.

We taught a lesson with M this week AND he attended all three hours of church! He set up another appointment for Saturday and told us he will come to church next week as well. He told one of our investigators "I'm going to give it a shot." And he told us that he has been hesitant to tell people he is meeting with us because he doesn't want any negative thoughts from anyone and he doesn't want anyone to convince him not to meet with us. WOW. He is an incredible human and he is one of the people "Preach My Gospel" talks about. He is ready for the Atonement, he just didn't know where to find it. We had another investigator come to church as well, her name is S. The best part? Because she held her commitment to come to church, she is officially a new progressing investigator!!! She looks forward to meeting with us again. We also found a new investigator from Argentina this week. His name is P. We have met with him twice and we are excited to see where things go. The Faroe Islands family is still progressing too and they absolutely adore us! That is always a plus.

Basically the Lord is the best and He steers the work. I'm just blessed that I get to be a part of it! Good things are coming and have come to Amager. ...And all of Denmark actually. NOT the lowest baptizing country in the world anymore. God is Good. :)

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!! This week I am especially grateful that I (like many from the Book of Mormon) can happily say that "I walk in the ways of my Father." I'm grateful for a family that has been a wonderful example of righteous living. Our parents give us roots and roots become our wings and boy, am I grateful for my parents and the wings they have given me. I've never needed them more.

Thanks for support!

Søster Holbrook 

 Healthier Danish Pizza.. They put everything on the pizza over there even corn.. A little different than here in the US ;o)

 I think these 2 ladies are having a LOT of fun serving together and that warms a Momma's heart!

 Here they are drinking MY FAVORITE kind of Fanta... How I wish I could get them here in the US !! Also this is the 6 month mark for Søster Ludlow they are burning a pair of her nylons :)

You just gotta LOVE Søster Ludlow. She has been an AWESOME trainer for Søster Millika E. Holbrook and it has made the first few months great for her in Denmark.

The joy of having a missionary out is sharing their up and down weeks. I so grateful for the chance we have have yet another missionary serve in Denmark what a blessing it is. The Lord is true and He is real :o)


Monday, November 14, 2016

First Snow, Lunch date with Mormor and Morfar and of course ICE-CREAM :)

Søster Millika E. Holbrook enjoyed the first snow this week in Denmark. You need to understand it does not snow very often in Denmark. It is cold but not much of the white stuff and it for sure do not stay or stick long.


Email from Millika E. Holbrook this week:

 Hey everyone!

I am doing really well. I love Sister Ludlow. I love Amager. I love being a missionary. What more can I say?

Is it possible that missionary work can be hastening but going slower than ever? We have found some good potentials the past couple of weeks, and some of those have already become solid investigators! We have also handed out more Book of Mormons than ever!!! But the last two weeks have been tough for setting appointments with our current investigators because many were/are out of town, sick, or didn't respond. Sister Ludlow and I have a lot of things in the works, but it's just going very slow on an individual level. Luckily this is the start of a new week! So yeah. The work is hastening, but it doesn't always feel that way.

Recently I have been pondering how having the influence of the Savior in my life has changed who I am. Honestly, it scares me to think of who I would be if I didn't know about our Savior on a personal level. YIKES!! Luckily I'm super blessed to have had the opportunity to grow up in a home where cultivating that relationship was important. The Savior's influence has made me the happy and (hopefully) good person that I am! I was reading in 3 Nephi 12:13 (Matthew 5:13, D&C 101:39-40, 103:9-10) and came across a scripture that really explained my heart's ponderings. I had a seminary teacher tell us once that "You lose your Savor, when you lose the Savior". In my case, when I don't focus on strengthening my relationship with the Savior, I begin to lose the good things about myself. I  lose my flavor. Anyway I hope those ramblings made sense.

Thanks for the support! 

Søster Holbrook

 Two SWEET Sister missionaries.

Sweet Millika E. Holbrook. How we LOVE her.... She is a gem!

 Hard to see but they are standing with a classic in their hands-- ABBA is just that a classic.

AND of course there is ice-cream this week too.... It is so good in Denmark.. RICH and CREAMY!

 Lunch date with Mormor and Morfar is ALWAYS fun and the food is pretty dang good too.

Søster Ludlow and Søster Holbrook so cute together.

So another wonderful week in Denmark for Søster Holbrook and she is growing and learning so much. As she said in her email sometimes the progress does not go as fast as you like but it is hard to really explain how much joy the Savior can bring in your life if you first have to get to know Him. He is REAL and He is true ;o)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Stake Conference and meeting many great friends

This week was a fun week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook. She had the first Stake Conference in Denmark and that meant that she saw some loved "old" friends. Friends are great and especially this one friend that spent many great days with us this summer in Utah. The friend is Emilie and
Søster Millika E. Holbrook and her had a GREAT reunion. 

This is Emilie and her sweet family. I joined the church together with her mother Helle 28 1/2 years ago and what a great ride is has been :o)

What a SWEET and TENDER hug this is. They became BFF's fast over the last 11 months or so and it is like seeing me and Helle all over again... SO AWESOME!!


Here is her email to us for the week:

Family and friends,

The work is progressing here on Amager! We had some great lessons this week and are handing out more copies of the Mormons Bog than ever before! Our zone leaders challenged us to place 1,000 copies this transfer (which is a little more than 2 per companionship a day). This challenge is awesome because Sister Ludlow and I have been more bold and just preaching straight from the book of Mormon when we go knocking. Which is how it should be! The salvation of souls (and the free pastry promised to the first companionship that placed a Mormons Bog) motivated us to be the first to place a Mormons Bog and motivates us to just keep placing them! It has really helped us with the work. We actually got dropped by someone, but as they were dropping us, we still managed to get them to accept a Book of Mormon, so you never know! maybe they will pick us back up again.

One of my favorite things about missionary work is seeing the atonement change people. Helaman 5:51 is a great verse about the change the atonement can bring. Even to someone who has been taught something else their whole life. Gives me hope for the people here in Denmark! The Lord has blessed us with people who are ready for that change too! The atonement is real! It is powerful!

Thanks for the support!

Søster Holbrook

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook, Anna-Lene and Søster Ludlow. Anna-Lene is a great friends and knew McKay in Denmark and came and stayed with us a few months ago.

 It rains a lot in Denmark and look at these sweet "wet" missionary ... SO CUTE!!

Sharing a Danish Pastry and enjoying it :o)

 Danish beautiful beach.

 Two Beautiful servants of the Lord.

 I LOVE this picture. It is the BEST... THANKS Sweet Pea.

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook look AWESOME.

I wish I was in Denmark enjoying those wonderful Danish treats.

What a week for Søster Millika E. Holbrook. She met friends that she loves and had a great week teaching lessons for the Lord. I am so happy she is serving hard and loving it. Keep up the great work and KNOW you are LOVED by us here at home and the Lord ;o).