Yep.. Søster Holbrook has had another great week on the mission and we got a LONG email this week. NOT bad at all ;o)
They did it and it looks great! Søster Holbrook has always LOVED puzzles and now she can do a few at night to relax after a log day with the companions.
She is an ANGEL that is for sure and here you can even see her wings ;o).
Hey Everyone!
Something I love about being a missionary is that there is always something interesting that happens every day! It is such an adventure because when you leave the apartment, you are not always sure who you will meet or what bizarre experiences you will have or miracles that you will see, but you can always count on it happening! It is literally a 100% guarantee. How exciting is that? This week was no exception.
Awesome experience 1: We were out knocking in a little town south of Vejle called Vinding and stopping by two potential investigators. We stopped by potential investigator number 1 (his name is C) but he wasn't home, so we walked to the other one and stopped people as we went. We had one great conversation with a young man and then we ended up at potential investigator number 2 (his name is K). He had just gotten home and was feeding his children some ice cream. He was super friendly and we got to teach the Plan of Salvation. He has recently had a lot of experiences that have gotten him to question a lot of things, especially about the afterlife. He feels like God has been watching over him and was super interested throughout the discussion. He looks forward to learning more about why our church is so different (aka the Restoration) this week! After his lesson, Sister Baird and I felt like we should try C one more time because we are not in the area often. As we walked back we passed a bakery and I thought, "why not enjoy a little pastry?" so of course we run in and grab a little pastry (don't worry, we gave the cashier a pass along card) and eat it on our way. We arrive at C's house and he was NOT home. But as we turn around to leave he drives up!!! Talk about perfect timing! He was pleasantly surprised to see us, but unfortunately he didn't have time to talk because he had guests coming over. But it was a small miracle that we got to get in contact with him again and remind him of the Spirit he feels when he sees us. It is a testimony that God's timing is perfect, and maybe I am not just a fatty wanting to eat pastries, but am actually slightly inspired.
Awesome experience 2: Speaking of families, we dropped by R and fam and they were happy to see us! They had dropped us because of all the rules and so we were pretty nervous to show up to their house! But it ended up being great. R wants the gospel. She has not closed the door at all, but she knows that it is a step that she wants to take with her whole family. Which may take a little heart softening because G is not a fan of tithing at all. This was our dialogue when they first opened the door:
G: I don't have enough money to be Mormon.
Me: Oh.. Are you talking about tithing? Is that why you don't like our "rules"?
G: yeah I don't have enough money.
M: Well, it is an ancient law that we find in the bible...
G: It doesn't say that in the Bible!
M: It totally does! It is in the Old Testament.
G: No it is not!
R: Have you read the Bible?
G: No....
R: Well I have, and Søster Holbrook is right. It is in the Bible. So be quiet.
HAHAHA It was nice to have R shut that down real fast! Anyway, G left to play pool and we continued to chat with Rose. We had a great conversation and reestablished a friendship so the door is not closed to us at all! She said that we are always welcome and one day, when G is ready, they will take the missionary discussions again. So until then, we will continue to stop by and serve them! They are wonderful children of God.
Awesome experience number 3: This one is in Sister Baird's own words (thanks friend).
----Last weekly planning I was trying to pick up the phone with my toes....yeah. Don't ask. I wasn't successful, but I accidentally called a woman named A-C. Whoops. She didn't answer, and Sister Holbrook had no idea who she was so we were thinking that was that. But then she called back. She was so excited to hear we were the missionaries. And we set up an appointment for Saturday. She texted us her address, and we realized that she was definitely in the Elders' area. Oops. We decided to go out and see if she was positive and have this first lesson and then turn her over to the elders.
Saturday comes, oh my goodness crazy day. We go out to Fredericia to play football with the ward and investigators, and we needed ALL our things because we were just going to stay out there because we had service and then A-C in the afternoon. In the craziness of trying to get out the door in the morning I forgot my planner. And my phone. And my camera. My planner had A-C's address, my phone her number, and I had taken a picture of the map to help us know how to get there. It's a good thing Sister Holbrook loves me.
After football (Hold up, side story: A member, J, twisted his knee funny while playing and his kneecap popped out of place. :( not good. It was the first time they'd ever had an ambulance called in the 20 or so years they've been playing every Saturday morning. According to the members we talked to yesterday, he's doing better and it wasn't damaged as badly as it could have.) we went and did some service with the Ægtepar (senior couple) based in Fredericia, Elder and Sister Yates. They are way awesome. I'll have to tell you all about them later, cause this is already a way long email.
So because I had forgotten my planner we had to go back to Vejle to figure out where the heck we needed to go. The Yates found out and offered to drive us to our appointment. (This is a good example of how awesome they are) As they drove to the appointment, they asked who we were visiting, and RANDOM they KNOW her! Sister Yates and her had especially hit it off when A-C had made contact with the missionaries int he spring. We invited them to come be with us for the appointment, and it was SO GOOD!
A-C, or C, is SO prepared for the Gospel. She is Brazilian and worked for a member of the church in California. She loves her boss and has been extremely impressed by the way she lives and has raised her family. C found God while she was in the States and wants to help her daughter have God present in her life. Her little girl, J, is three years old and so cute. J was super shy at first, but by the end, she and Sister Holbrook were best of friends. :)
C's husband is very, very anti religion and God.C is incredible though, and she wants to learn about the Gospel. She's read a bit in the Book of Mormon, but wants a copy in Portuguese so that she'll really understand. She told us she's all in, when she finds out it's true.
I guess it's beautiful to me how much God works through us. He doesn't let our weaknesses come in the way of His work, in fact He USES our weaknesses to accomplish His work. :) If I hadn't forgotten my planner, the Yates wouldn't have been involved, and Chris wouldn't have been nearly so open or receptive and ready.
I'm just amazed that God lets us work with His children. I feel so honored and blessed to be part of the miracle of inviting others to come to Christ. I've learned on my mission that the field truly is white and ready to harvest. I know that as we trust in Him, He will lead us to the right places to thrust in our sickles-------
Anyway these were just a few highlights of the week. props to whoever read the whole thing.
Thanks for the support!
Søster Holbrook
Søster Holbrook also had a hair cut this week so here is a before and after picture :o)
Before the cut...
The hair that is now GONE!!
And after the hair cut. She looks cute and before she gets home in 5 1/2 months it will be as long as before the cut.
We LOVE you, We MISS you and We are so proud of you. Keep working hard and know that you are amazing. The Lord is true and He is REAL.