Friday, September 2, 2016

Søster Millika E. Holbrook's first few days in the Mission Training Center in Provo are done!

SO it was P-day today and that is equal to Mommy HAPPY day :o). So yes her p-day and email day will be on Fridays for the next few weeks until she gets to Denmark and then it will be HAPPY Mondays for our family! Anyway it was GREAT hearing from her today and she is doing wonderful. She has already learned a lot and she is getting into missionary life.

Søster Millika E. Holbrook and her companion is Sister Gisa (pronounced Nisa) and she is Samoan. She will be serving in San Jose, California Samoan speaking.

Here is part of her first email to us:

"The MTC is amazing. I feel like I have learned so much already! I am in the international branch, which means I am one of three white people in the entire zone. I am learning enough culture to last the entire mission! I was assigned to be the music coordinator. Figures. I dislike anything musical, so of course I would get this assignment. At first I was disappointed, but after about 30 seconds of moping I became really happy! I am determined to happily accept whatever comes my way! It is just one more opportunity to grow so how could I be upset ? The cool news about being in an international branch is that everyone is at least bilingual! One day we all bore our testimonies in our native languages and it was so cool because you could feel the Spirit so strong even though you could not understand any of them. But what I really liked was when everyone bore it in English. not because I could actually understand it. But because the foreigners bore their testimonies with the most pure and simple English. Their humble way of speaking brought the spirit so powerfully. They did not try to sound all fancy or elaborate. Instead, they spoke of the simple truths that they know and they spoke from their heart. I loved it. Even though I get more sleep here than I do at home, I am even MORE exhausted than usual. I think it is because the work is so important that it the preparation just takes a toll on your body. The instant my stake president said that I was a full time missionary, I felt the weight of it on my shoulders. The weight is real and I carry it around with me all day, everyday. It is humbling that the Lord would trust me with this magnificent work, it is the most important work I have done in my life thus far and will ever do!(along with building a family of course). Wearing the name tag is awesome, but I can also feel its weight on my heart. The pressure helps keep me focused on the work and keeps me humble enough to accept Gods will. I feel if I were to become prideful, the weight of the work would crush me. but as long as I keep turning to the Savior, He will give me the strength to carry the weight. In fact, I was reading  somewhere in the scriptures this week that when we attach ourselves to the Saviors yoke, our burdens are made light. When you yoke an oxen it is for them to work, so as I yoke myself to the Savior and His work, I feel strength beyond measure. He truly helps His missionaries. "

  Søster Millika E. Holbrook's District.

 AND our Søster Millika E. Holbrook. We LOVE her.

 MTC Fun !!

 Søster Millika E. Holbrook and Sister Albanese, she is from New Caledonia and these 2 sisters are creating a great friendship.

 No need for words here. JUST that I LOVE IT!!

All in all a great first few days for Søster Millika E. Holbrook in the MTC. She is happy and she is learning a lot. We are so glad she has a chance to serve the Lord and especially in Denmark. God is GOOD like she said in our email to us!

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