Monday, February 20, 2017

Lunch with family and lots of fun in Copenhagen

Can I just say i LOVE this picture of Søster Holbrook. It just goes right into your soul. She is BEAUTIFUL.

 I love this one too. They are looking like they are having a good time together.

Søster Holbrook had the chance to meet with Mormor, Morfar and Bjørn and have a wonderful lunch date. What a treat it is for her to be bale to see her loved ones so often. That is a blessing for sure and I am glad that she has had that in Denmark.

Søster Nelson, Søster Holbrook and Uncle Bjørn.

Email from Søster Holbrook this week:

Hey Everyone!!

M is home and is excited for his baptism on Saturday! He said he almost doesn't use his damper at all, so he just needs to take one more step and then he is ready!!!!!! I am so excited. It was been INCREDIBLE to see how much he has changed since we first found him in October. He really is a whole other person.

I love the work here on Amager! Transfers are coming up in two weeks and it is very likely that I will be leaving. It will be bitter-sweet because I certainly love the people here and the work is going strong! But a new place with new opportunities to serve will be exciting as well.

I know that God has a perfect plan for each of us! And He is so incredibly involved even in the smallest details of our life. This Sunday, Sister Nelson and I were each asked to give a 5 minute talk an hour before church. So naturally I was pretty nervous because I struggle with speaking Danish in front of a congregation, and you know what the sacrament hymn was? "There Is a Green Hill Far Away." Which is one of my favorite songs. It was a small Heaven sent blessing that helped me not be as nervous before the talk. Heavenly  Father is aware of our needs, wants, fears, thoughts and everything and He is always sending His love to us.

Have a great week!!!
Søster Holbrook​

 Søster Holbrook loves sushi now and I love it. Looking forward to the times when we go together.

 It says here: "Because you and your bum are something special". That is so Danish ;o)
 Love these two missionaries!

 It really is pretty in Denmark.

Are they in Denmark or Paris with the bridge of locks :o)

Just saying ???? What the ........ And this is so sweet ;o)

  I am thinking she is still likes him just a little ;o)

She has one more week down and done on the mission. We are grateful for her example and for all she is becoming!! She is a true servant of God.

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