Monday, June 12, 2017

Zone Training, POURING RAIN and other good stuff in Vejle with Søster Holbrook

SO YES I am WAY behind on Søster Holbrook's blog and the only thing I can use as an excuse is.... LIFE happens and I will do my BEST to do better in the future. :o) SO here I go with the last "few" weeks.

 The MOST rain in Denmark in one week since Søster Holbrook got there nine months ago.

 Søster Holbrook is says "JA TAK" YES please and I LOVE when she says that!!

We love these sisters!!

Hey Everyone!

This week was definitely one for the books. It has rained almost nonstop! It was dumping so hard on Friday that we were soaked through our rain jackets and everything! Also, Mormor told us that Vejle was the city that had received the most water! Lucky us! We also had our longer zone conference this week as well. We got the chance to play ultimate Frisbee and it was so fun! It has been way too long.. We talked more about what Elder Andersen taught us. Here are some more things that he shared when he was here:

We are working counter cultural here, but our mission is not harder than any other mission out there. We are called here to keep the faith alive in the country. Become deep  rooted in the Savior. Put Him deeply into our bones. 

Anyway, it has still been an incredibly productive week and we ended with four new investigators and a handful of positive potentials!

Sister Whitlock and I were also in a Mormon Message last week! I have no idea when it will come out, but hey! It was a sweet experience!

We met with M (our friend on baptismal date) and taught him Jesu Kristi Evangelium and he already knew so much about it! He also came to church so we can already see him begin to repent and it is awesome! We met with A and M this week as well. We knocked into M and even though he is not religious, he invited us to come back because his girlfriend is! When we came back and taught the restoration, he  listened to the entire lesson. We gave A a Book of Mormon and read the line in the introduction that says something along the lines of, "you will know it is true by the power of the Holy Ghost and by that same power you will also know that Jesus is the Christ.." and she loved it! We closed with a prayer and as we left we could see that M's eyes were a little red, so we also offered him a Book of Mormon and said that the promise is true for him as well. He accepted it and said something like "I guess it's as good time to learn about God." I look forward to seeing where things go!

Oh and Happy Father's Day to all the important Father figures in my life! (especially you Daddy!) 

Søster Holbrook

 I am thinking that Søster Holbrook LOVES Danish ice-cream and let me tell you I am with her... IT is the BEST!!!!

 Ultimate Frisbeewas one of Søster Holbrook's FAVORITE games out door's games. Here is her team!

 This picture takes me to the time when Søster Holbrook was running Track and Cross Country in High School. She is so into the "game" and very good at it!!

The Jylland Zone. Great look group of Missionaries.

I LOVE our Søster Holbrook. She is such a great example of HARD work and dedication to the gospel. She loves the people of Denmark and enjoys being a missionary. Even when she gets soaking wet and still gets to work ALL day , she is touching peoples hearts.She is the BEST!!

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