Monday, July 31, 2017

Mid-transfer surprise for Søster Holbrook and Søster Whitlock. Søster Holbrook is staying in Vejle.

Yep, it is true and you can see the whole story in Søster Holbrook's email for the week :o)

 These sisters do a LOT of biking every day and that is good because the food is SO good in Denmark.

Getting a little more scripture study in and killing some time while biking :o)

AND they do a LOT of Knocking on doors too. Fun for them Danes often have a mirror by the front door and then we get these awesome pictures !!

 SWEET friends :o)

Email from Søster Holbrook:

Hey everyone!

I will cut right to the good details. We had mid-transfer transfer!!!! Søster Whitlock LEFT ME to go to Roskilde. Which, by the way, Roskilde has stolen three of my companions from me. What is up with that? The reason is because President doesn't want to white wash a bunch of areas so he did a mid transfer to prep people for the new missionaries coming in. We are having a huge turnover right now! By next transfer, there will be 4 sister companionships that won't be training, and three of those are STL's! So everyone is basically training right now. The craziest part is that Sister Baird is now my new companion. AGAIN! I was really bummed to say goodbye to Søster Whitlock. She has helped me become a better missionary and has taught me so many things. I am humbled that I got to serve with her. That being said, I am excited to be with Søster Baird again. It is pretty sweet that we get a round 2 together!

Other interesting news from this week: 

We met with Mathias and taught him about missionary work. He told us again that he would consider going on a mission, but first he has to "learn a little more about this book." He really liked the idea of member missionary work and is going to ask his mom to meet with the missionaries! She has already come to church once and really liked it so we think good things will happen there. At one point in the lesson Mathias told us, "I am not just going to go up to random people on the street and talk about the Book of Mormon. I think they would be more weird out rather than interested." I asked him, "Was that your experience when Søster Whitlock and Jex knocked on your door?" To which he replied, "No. All I could think was 'Give me that book!'" Ha-ha-ha-ha. He got the priesthood this week and is super excited for our temple trip this Friday! Mathias is so awesome!!!

On Saturday while knocking we stopped by this person who lives in an apartment with a buzz box. We had buzzed it a few days before and they said we could try a different time. So we buzz and ask them if they would like to learn more about the Book of Mormon and the guy is like "My dad is Muslim and my mom is Catholic so I'm not interested." But we offered him a free copy anyway and he goes, "Wait, did you say free? I'll be right down." So he comes to the door with a friend and after talking for a little we walked away with 2 new investigators! Ha-ha buzz boxing works! Sometimes...

Y came to church this week! She said "I don't know why but I always cry in church!" It's called feeling the spirit! She also said, when saying goodbye to Søster Whitlock, "when I get baptized I will call you so you can come." 

We got a mini quote book from Y this week and there was this quote in there. I thought it was definitely something worth sharing. "When you eat fruit, think of the person that planted the tree." Ha-ha have a great week everyone!

Søster Holbrook
 Service is always fun ;o)
 Training and fun splits.

Søster Holbrook had yet another wonderful week in Vejle. She loves it there and she is getting to know many new people. What a treat it is to see her grown and become an even better person and servant of the Lord.

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