Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas party, Lunch with Mormor and Morfar and "My Plan" meeting with the President

What a WONDERFUL for Søster Holbrook. She is busy and looking forward to Christmas. December is the most wonderful month in the year in Denmark.

" My Plan" meeting for going home in 8 week for these missionaries.

Sleepover for my plan meeting.

What a great looking group of missionaries.

Email from Søster Holbrook

Hey Everyone!

Lots of things happened this week! For P-day we had a "missionær jule hygge fest" and played lots of games together. That night I was sick with food poisoning which included me passing out, hitting my head and getting a huge goose egg. It is kind of hilarious actually. I remember thinking "well, at least I don't have to go running tomorrow." haha. We had a couple of eating appointments, one being with Mormor and Morfar! They bought us some new food too so I won't get sick again. They sure do keep me alive over here! :) We also had our "My plan" meeting this week for missionaries that are going home soon. President O'Bryant talked a lot about finishing the mission strong and about making goals for when we come home. He told us that we can never allow ourselves to become so busy that we stop repenting. He said we should always be working on a Christlike attribute and make goals to accomplish it. It was a very insightful meeting. We got to go to the temple afterwards and that was of course incredible. I miss the temple and I look forward to going there often when I come home. We visited three districts this week to do training on positivety and diligence. 

We visited D this week and we are happy to say that he had NO effects of ptsd or anxiety after his church visit (sometimes he has to lay in bed for three days after big events). He also was able to go grocery shopping and not take any breaks! He has bad legs and takes anywhere from 5-10 breaks throughout the entire trip. We told him it is the promised blessings from living the word of wisdom and from the blessing he got a while ago. He is coming closer and closer to the Savior and is preparing to be baptized the 27th of January!

F officially has a baptismal date for the 30th of December! He has his interview scheduled and everything. There is just a couple small things we need to clarify, but other than that he is well on his way to making covenants with God! He has had a very dark childhood and upbringing, so it has been incredible to see him come into the light. He really is looking forward to his baptism because it is something that will help heal him and start a new life.

Don't forget to #LightTheWorld! thanks for all of you who have brought light to my world! 

Søster Holbrook

Lunch with Mormor and Morfar
 Sister Grabe and Søster Holbrook


 Mailboxes looks like this in Denmark so cute and I really miss them.
Søster Holbrook is the BEST and we love her to bits. She is getting closer to the end and we are looking forward to having her home. We are grateful for her service and that she can always look back and know she has giving it all to Him.

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