Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Eve and it is off to a new year for Søster Holbrook

So it was New Years Eve this week for Søster Holbrook and the only FULL year in Denmark started for her on the mission. Crazy week with so much fun and great lessons taught! She is loving the mission and being in Denmark.

These Sisters are always on the go and you gotta love them even more with these bike helmets on ;o)

Nice picture!
 Email from Søster Holbrook this week:

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, laughter, love and the Savior!

I am doing well and I am super looking forward to a new year! Celebrating new year in Denmark was was SO UNREAL AND AMAZING. The fireworks were EVERYWHERE and they went nonstop from 11-2ish. well I don't actually know when they ended, but they were still going strong when we went to bed, so... yeah, honestly sounded like world war three and probably the coolest new years I have ever had! Of course Sister Nelson and I were just in the safety of our apartment, but we still got the full affects. There are some benefits to living in downtown Copenhagen. :)

M is doing very well! He came early to church last Sunday so we could squeeze one more lesson in before he left for Sweden (he'll be there about a week) literally right after church! He is so amazing and is so prepared to receive the restored gospel! It has been a huge blessing seeing him change and seeing his faith grow! He now believes there is a God and he says that he really feels like what we are teaching him is true and benefits his life. :) We still have a couple of other friends (investigators) in the works, but it looks like we will be doing even more finding than usual to boost the number of people in our teaching pool. Honestly? I am excited.

As we start a new year filled with new adventures, I want to share a friendly reminder from Neal A. Maxwell, "And in these days, being of good cheer is part of being valiant in the testimony of Jesus. Wherever you find yourself this coming year, remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and are ALWAYS there for you. "


Søster Holbrook

 AND she is so creative even here in Denmark.

 AND of course MORE ice-cream!! 

 HAPPY NEW YEAR from Søster Nelson.

 AND also HAPPY NEW YEAR from Søster Holbrook. I just LOVE her face she is so REAL!

This is Denmark at New Year so MANY fireworks!!

 Such cute Sister Missionaries here look "almost" like normal teenagers.

She is still BEAUTIFUL as ever. We love you Søster Holbrook.

Another year and this one will be a FULL year in Denmark for her . We LOVE her, we MISS her and we are so grateful she is our daughter. Keep on Keeping on :o)

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