Monday, November 20, 2017

Another weeek for Søster Holbrook in Denmark has passed and she is doing GREAT!

Email from Søster Holbrook this week was short and NOT many pictures either. SAD week :o(

 Puzzles are a FAVORITE in the mission field but Søster Holbrook has always loved them even at home.

NICE sayings!!!

Hey Everyone!

Life is great! Not too much to update here.

The missionaries on a small island called Bornholm (6 hour ferry ride from Copenhagen) called us this week and told us that they got a new investigator because she had heard us on the radio and that opened her up! 

This week we took the new sisters that arrived out to go contacting for their first time, went on splits with sisters from Amager, held another surprise birthday party, had dinner with an investigator at a member's house, met with lots of recently baptized/less-active members, and did a whole bunch of finding! Pretty much an average week. I think I took a total of 9 pictures. The one I sent is of a member who is moving to Amager. In a lot of ways, she reminds me of Mika. so it is nice seeing her. :)

Keep on Keeping on!
Søster Holbrook
 Member who is moving to Amager.
Another week in the mission field is gone!! What a treat it is to hear about what Søster Holbrook is doing in Denmark.

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