Monday, November 27, 2017

Interviews with President ,a leadership training, a HUGE thanksgiving party it has been a busy week for Søster Holbrook

It was a very busy week for Søster Holbrook in Denmark.

 It says Merry Christmas in Danish here. VERY SWEET!

 The AP's got us a Christmas tree during their trip to Jylland! SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS.

 Anna-Lena! one of my favorite members over here! 

Email from Søster Holbrookthis week:

Hey Everyone!

This week was great!  Søster Jones and I had a great p-day filled with lots of adventures, Miranda took us to a great Thai restaurant, we got to watch the Face to Face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard, we had lunch with Mormor and Morfar, interviews with President, a couple of eating appointments, a leadership training, a HUGE thanksgiving party with a half American family, we had great lessons with Dan and Frank, we brought Frank to a baptism and we had the primary program!

Some updates on our friends:
F- He is a man with a pretty dark background, but really has been wanting to change his life around for a while. He is preparing for baptism and so we went through the baptismal questions with him and he is basically all the way ready! He just needs to know a couple of details. When we asked him what repentance means to him, he said "It means everything to me." He met the bishop in his office this week, and walked out smiling and happy. And he also smiled the ENTIRE time at church and didn't fall asleep once! :)

D- He is a Jehova's Witness that began doubting his faith, and then the missionaries knocked on his door. This week he taught us what the world "atheist" means. He said an atheist is "a denier of god." He said we often think an atheist is someone who denies the existence of a God with a capital G. But he says that it is the little g god that TRUE atheists deny. Then he said that according to that definition, there is not such thing as an actual atheist because we all believe in something, be it God with a captal G, fortune, or ourselves. We all believe in something. I thought that was a very interesting thought. 

Thanksgiving was awesome! We actually didn't really do anything on Thanksgiving day (well we ate a kebab if that counts), but Friday we had the big party so it all worked out in the end. It was nice to celebrate an American holiday. It also means that Christmas is in ONE MONTH and I am just WAY too excited. I love Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, check out the Christmas initiative this year! It is awesome.

Søster Holbrook
 At the queen's castle in Copenhagen.

 Guard at the queen's castle pretty neat!.

 Nyhavn - classic street/tourist place very know in Copenhagen.
Søster Holbrook  saw a lot of fun and neat things this week in Denmark. She is for sure having a wonderful time over-there!

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