We LOVE our Søster Holbrook.
This is joy in the Lord!!
It is DONE!! Burning a skirt to celebrate the mission being accomplished!
LAST email from Søster Holbrook:
Kære Alle Sammen,
Tiden er gået og nu er jeg på vejen hjem. I can't believe this is my last email as Søster Holbrook. Time is so weird. In many ways I feel like I have been here an eternity (like my first Sunday on Amager feels FOREVER ago), yet at the same time I can't believe my 18 months are up. Someone once said that you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. The missionaries and members are incredible here, and I know that they have all helped me become a better person. The mission will be missed.
I just want to share my testimony that I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ!
this week was a great one! We spent some time in Copenhagen for my last full preparation day. I got to see farmor Anna-Lene and Mormor and Morfar this week. We went on one last splits, had lots of lessons and burned my skirt!
Funniest part of the entire week: We had a lesson with our friend B. He is from Uganda and he got baptized about 6 months ago, but has a hard time coming to church. We were able to meet him in the library and we had a great but kind of short lesson. After that, we had to run to the station to make the last train.. we had about 2 minutes! We were looking at the screens to see which track we had to get on, and we were frantically running, and we went to the wrong track! We had 1 minute left, and we ran to the other side of the station, and hopped on the train at the last minute! The funniest part was that B went to the right track in the first place, and when we finally arrived to the right one, he just laughed and laughed and said "I knew you were running to the wrong track!"
I am glad I got to end my mission with one of the best companions ever. Søster Funk has been a delight and will continue to bless her future companions' lives.
Keep on keeping on!
Søster Holbrook
For any who are interested: My homecoming talk will be on February 11th at 11 a.m.
My church address is: 4275 Bountiful Boulevard BOUNTIFUL, Utah 84010
Farmor Anna-Lene gives some of the best hugs :o)
One last lunch with Mormor and Morfar. They will MISS each-other for sure!
How I feel about it snowing. And it is not better in Utah!! There are snow here too.
Mission accomplished she will be flying home to us in the morning and be home tomorrow night! We are so looking forward to see her in the airport and to having her home again!! Be safe our sweet missionary and see you in a few on the other side!