Monday, February 5, 2018

To Be Continued...... LAST email from Søster Holbrook.

YES... It is TRUE this will be the VERY LAST email we are getting from Søster Holbrook. ANd it really is kind of bitter-sweet. She has learned SO MUCH as a missionary for the Lord and that could not have been learned any other way. We are grateful for that and all she has become!

We LOVE our Søster Holbrook.

  This is joy in the Lord!!

It is DONE!! Burning a skirt to celebrate the mission being accomplished!

LAST email from Søster Holbrook:

Kære Alle Sammen,

Tiden er gået og nu er jeg på vejen hjem. I can't believe this is my last email as Søster Holbrook. Time is so weird. In many ways I feel like I have been here an eternity (like my first Sunday on Amager feels FOREVER ago),  yet at the same time I can't believe my 18 months are up. Someone once said that you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. The missionaries and members are incredible here, and I know that they have all helped me become a better person. The mission will be missed. 

I just want to share my testimony that I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ! 

this week was a great one! We spent some time in Copenhagen for my last full preparation day. I got to see farmor Anna-Lene and Mormor and Morfar this week. We went on one last splits, had lots of lessons and burned my skirt!

Funniest part of the entire week:  We had a lesson with our friend B. He is from Uganda and he got baptized about 6 months ago, but has a hard time coming to church. We were able to meet him in the library and we had a great but kind of short lesson. After that, we had to run to the station to make the last train.. we had about 2 minutes! We were looking at the screens to see which track we had to get on, and we were frantically running, and we went to the wrong track! We had 1 minute left, and we ran to the other side of the station, and hopped on the train at the last minute! The funniest part was that B went to the right track in the first place, and when we finally arrived to the right one, he just laughed and laughed and said "I knew you were running to the wrong track!" 

I am glad I got to end my mission with one of the best companions ever. Søster Funk has been a delight and will continue to bless her future companions' lives.

Keep on keeping on! 
Søster Holbrook

For any who are interested: My homecoming talk will be on February 11th at 11 a.m.
My church address is: 4275 Bountiful Boulevard BOUNTIFUL, Utah 84010
 Farmor Anna-Lene gives some of the best hugs :o)

 One last lunch with Mormor and Morfar. They will MISS each-other for sure!

 How I feel about it snowing. And it is not better in Utah!! There are snow here too.

Mission accomplished she will be flying home to us in the morning and be home tomorrow night! We are so looking forward to see her in the airport and to having her home again!! Be safe our sweet missionary and see you in a few on the other side!

Monday, January 29, 2018

The END is Near... ONLY one more email and Søster Holbrook will be HOME!!

YES.... The end of the mission really is NEAR!! There has been weeks where we thought it would NEVER end :o). But here is it close and it is kind of bitter sweet. We miss her but we will miss the wonderful things she is learning in Denmark and yet it will be time for her next step in life and having her home will be AWESOME!

 Book of Mormon Musical opening night!!

 Little tender mercy from knocking on Amager.

Hey Everyone!

This is my second to last email as Søster Holbrook and it feels surreal. I will save all the sappy stuff for next week though.

Lots of things happened this week! 

The Book of Mormon musical premiered this week. We got to be out past 10:30 pm, which was a fun experience. Also kind of exhausting though. We handed about 400 Book of Mormons out the first night, and averaging around 250 every other showing. Most of them were super excited to receive a free copy of the book. A couple were so disgusted by the play that they wanted absolutely nothing to do with the book. Overall, it has been a great experience and I look forward to doing to more before I go home!

Another cool story of the week: We were out finding in the morning, and it honestly was a Little rough. Our plans kept changing because of different stop-bys, and we were running out of time. On our way back to our bikes, without having any success, we just stopped this Young man on the side of the road. We started talking to him about what he believed and he said "Well, like my friends and I talk about religion all the time, but I can't believe in a God because a long time ago there used to be lots of prophets and miracles and stuff, and there isn't anything like that anymore!" Talk about a prepared man just placed in our path. We started talking about the Book of Mormon for a second, and he said that he wants to meet! He litereally said "I think I want to investigate this!" WHAT?! That was definitely a testimony builder. God is watching out for us, and when we have pure intentions, we will help us! There are so many people prepared!

We went on Splits in Amager and I got to see MADS!!! It was so happy. :) He is doing so well, and is happier than he ever has been!

Keep on keeping on!
Søster Holbrook
Cool museum that we went to in Copenhagen.

 She has a way of taken fun pictures!

Søster funk and Søster Holbrook.

Mads and Søster Holbrook, She was blessed to knock on his door so MANY months ago.

All in all a great second to last week on the mission. She is blessed and she is the BEST! See you in a few on the other side of the world.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Opening Week.... Ready or not ..... Here goes!

Søster Holbrook had to start say goodbye to the other missionaries that she might not see before she goes home and she has a REALLY had time with "Goodbyes". So a little bit of a harder week for her and it is only going to keep coming :o)

Opening week for the Book of Mormon musical. 

Like I said before.... Danish baked goods are the BEST. maybe NOT the best for you... BUT they are so tasty!!

Email from Søster Holbrook:

Hey Everyone!

This past week has been busy. We traveled around Sjælland to give trainings to the different districts. We trained on Church Attendance and it went well! It was good to see some of the missionaries for the last time. It was kinda hard though, because I hate goodbyes. 

This week the Book of Mormon Musical premieres this week! Sister Funk and I get to be out there on opening night to hand out Book of Mormons! :) We are going to be out from 9:30-11:00 pm., so that is super exciting. It is always fun to change things up. 

Happy news: Sister Jones (my previous companion) is working with Mathias (A recent convert member I worked with) and she asked "What was it that helped you know that the church was true?" and his response was "The Law of chastity. I have always had a respect for women, so when I heard about this, I just knew it is what God wants and that this all is true."  

More happy news: Mads (a recent convert from Amager) is also doing really well. We went to Utah and the states and had a GREAT time. He stayed with Sister Nelson and was so happy to see a family read their scriptures and pray together. He said that he is the best he has ever been!

Have a great week!

Søster Holbrook

 Another lunch date with Mormor and Morfar. They will for sure miss her ans she will miss them!
 Hang Loose and work hard!!

A few more weeks and this little one will be home. I KNOW I have said that for SO LONG.It is a Mom thing. REALLY we are so GRATEFUL she has serve the Lord and especially that she was blessed to serve in Denmark.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Being Thrown to the Wolves... and are we all not at times a sheep !!

Well ... We really are getting to the end because the emails get SMALLER and SMALLER. Not that they have ever been super long but still :o)

 Splits with sister Calame!! I loved seeing her again! The sign on the door says "angels welcome." It was a shame they weren't home.

 Cool door we found on splits!

Email from:

Hey Everyone!

President introduced meeting the Book of Mormon Musical Cast as being "Sheep Thrown to the wolves."(In a good way for sure) I have felt like a sheep several times on the mission, but this time was NOT one of them. :) Meeting with the Book of Mormon Musical cast was a great experience! It was a public affairs event, so our objective was not to "baptize everyone here" but to "walk away and have them think "wow! Mormons are some pretty great people."" It was a really special experience where we were able to answer their questions, bear simple testimony, and have lots of good laughs. President can be very sassy and sarcastic at times so he was just in his element!(ALSO in a great way) We actually played off each other really well. The assistants and us were able to set up a couple of appointments and give our numbers out to them. It was a great success!

We also went on three splits this week so we were running from one appointment to the next!

All is well here. I am grateful to be a missionary in the Denmark Copenhagen Mission.

Keep on keeping on!
Søster Holbrook

  Bror and Søster Koch. They are spiritual GIANTS and have served in SO many ways here in Denmark

 On splits with Amager Søstre. We started a biker gang. 

Busy as always this Sister Missionary does not take a break. We are for sure proud of her and service to the Danish people and even more her service to the Lord.

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Book of Mormon musical is coming to Denmark and Søster Holbrook got to meet the cast.

Yep, She really did get to meet the cast and she had a chance to go and see the set to at the theater .

Look at these GREAT missionaries!!

Can you see the Sister Missionaries ??? :o)

Email from Søster Holbrook:

Hey Everyone!

Lots of news from this week, but unfortunately no pictures. (Momma Holbrook found some for the blog) :o)

As many of you know, The Book of Mormon musical is coming to Denmark! The play opens the 25th of January. Sister Funk and I will be among several other missionaries handing out Book of Mormons to the people leaving the theater! We are super excited. President also asked  Sister Funk and I and the Assistants to be a part Q&A with the cast members from the play! We went to his house this week for a training on it. We will meet with them later tonight and are very excited!

F is doing the same. His prayers are always so sweet because he will almost always thank God for taking him in. 
D learned that Jehovah is in fact Jesus Christ this week and not Heavenly Father. Despite his Jehovah's witness background, he easily accepted it and admitted that he has been "indoctrinated" for 25 years. He comes closer to baptism every day! 
We have also been meeting with a less active who has been consistently coming to church for the last couple of weeks and wants to start working towards the temple again! 

As you can see, Things are going well here and I am very grateful to be here. :)

Sister Funk and I also gave a zone training about goal setting to all the missionaries on Sjælland. Sister Funk is a natural and will be a great leader for the sisters here.

Have a great week!
Søster Holbrook

 Inside a typical Danish train. Pretty neat right :o).

 Lunch date with Mormor and Morfar. ALWAYS a treat.

Danish pastry ... You can NEVER go wrong!! 

Another fun and very busy week for Søster Holbrook. The weeks are going and before we know it she will be home. ENJOY the Danish people, the mission and the food while it last. We LOVE you and we MISS you a little ;o).

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year- Godt Nyt År

YES... It is NOW 2018 which means... Søster Holbrook will be home this year...More like in about six weeks or so and YES we are counting!


 Søster Holbrook and Søster Funk

Pretty sweet right !

Email From Søster Holbrook :

Hey Everyone!
This week has been CRAZY busy, but also incredibly awesome!
Wednesday the 27th was transfer day. Sister Jones left to go to Hammerum in Jylland and Sister Calame left to go to Roskilde on Sjælland. My new companion is Sister Funk. Yes, she is really Funky, and yes she has heard that joke just shy of a thousand times. But really though, she is awesome! This is her fifth transfer in the field, and she is already a stellar missionary. She is really spunky and knows how to laugh. I adore her already.
In addition to transfers, we also had MLC this week and a baptism! F ended up getting baptized and it went well. He was actually super nervous to get baptized because it was the Elder's first time baptizing anyone, but luckily President O'Bryant was present and could save the day. President had them practice and all was well after that! It has been an incredible experience teaching F and watching him learn to follow the Savior. It has changed his life so much and I know that it will continue to bless F throughout the rest of his life.
New Years Eve was also a blast. The missionaries had to be inside by 6pm (unless they had an appointment with a member) so Sister Funk and I did some weekly planning. Then at 9, the party began! Sister Funk and I completed an entire puzzle, and then at 11:45 we went to the top of our building and watched as World War Three commenced. I have never seen so many fireworks in my life! There were fireworks ALL over, including some in our very own parking lot! I seriously think I singed my eyebrows a little bit from those ones. We celebrated New Years Day by deep cleaning our entire apartment. It always feels great when the apartment is nice and shiny. We also did some planning for a couple of training's we will be giving this week and organized our area book. It has been a productive week! 

Thanks for all the support you all give me. 
Søster Holbrook

 The some of the MLC Sisters.

 AND another baptism. Søster Holbrook has been busy in Denmark helping people find Christ. AND she has met so MANY awesome people there.

Wonderful week again for Søster Holbrook and a NEW year has started in Denmark! Søster Holbrook will only be there for a few short weeks and then we will have her home.