Monday, January 29, 2018

The END is Near... ONLY one more email and Søster Holbrook will be HOME!!

YES.... The end of the mission really is NEAR!! There has been weeks where we thought it would NEVER end :o). But here is it close and it is kind of bitter sweet. We miss her but we will miss the wonderful things she is learning in Denmark and yet it will be time for her next step in life and having her home will be AWESOME!

 Book of Mormon Musical opening night!!

 Little tender mercy from knocking on Amager.

Hey Everyone!

This is my second to last email as Søster Holbrook and it feels surreal. I will save all the sappy stuff for next week though.

Lots of things happened this week! 

The Book of Mormon musical premiered this week. We got to be out past 10:30 pm, which was a fun experience. Also kind of exhausting though. We handed about 400 Book of Mormons out the first night, and averaging around 250 every other showing. Most of them were super excited to receive a free copy of the book. A couple were so disgusted by the play that they wanted absolutely nothing to do with the book. Overall, it has been a great experience and I look forward to doing to more before I go home!

Another cool story of the week: We were out finding in the morning, and it honestly was a Little rough. Our plans kept changing because of different stop-bys, and we were running out of time. On our way back to our bikes, without having any success, we just stopped this Young man on the side of the road. We started talking to him about what he believed and he said "Well, like my friends and I talk about religion all the time, but I can't believe in a God because a long time ago there used to be lots of prophets and miracles and stuff, and there isn't anything like that anymore!" Talk about a prepared man just placed in our path. We started talking about the Book of Mormon for a second, and he said that he wants to meet! He litereally said "I think I want to investigate this!" WHAT?! That was definitely a testimony builder. God is watching out for us, and when we have pure intentions, we will help us! There are so many people prepared!

We went on Splits in Amager and I got to see MADS!!! It was so happy. :) He is doing so well, and is happier than he ever has been!

Keep on keeping on!
Søster Holbrook
Cool museum that we went to in Copenhagen.

 She has a way of taken fun pictures!

Søster funk and Søster Holbrook.

Mads and Søster Holbrook, She was blessed to knock on his door so MANY months ago.

All in all a great second to last week on the mission. She is blessed and she is the BEST! See you in a few on the other side of the world.

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