Monday, January 15, 2018

Being Thrown to the Wolves... and are we all not at times a sheep !!

Well ... We really are getting to the end because the emails get SMALLER and SMALLER. Not that they have ever been super long but still :o)

 Splits with sister Calame!! I loved seeing her again! The sign on the door says "angels welcome." It was a shame they weren't home.

 Cool door we found on splits!

Email from:

Hey Everyone!

President introduced meeting the Book of Mormon Musical Cast as being "Sheep Thrown to the wolves."(In a good way for sure) I have felt like a sheep several times on the mission, but this time was NOT one of them. :) Meeting with the Book of Mormon Musical cast was a great experience! It was a public affairs event, so our objective was not to "baptize everyone here" but to "walk away and have them think "wow! Mormons are some pretty great people."" It was a really special experience where we were able to answer their questions, bear simple testimony, and have lots of good laughs. President can be very sassy and sarcastic at times so he was just in his element!(ALSO in a great way) We actually played off each other really well. The assistants and us were able to set up a couple of appointments and give our numbers out to them. It was a great success!

We also went on three splits this week so we were running from one appointment to the next!

All is well here. I am grateful to be a missionary in the Denmark Copenhagen Mission.

Keep on keeping on!
Søster Holbrook

  Bror and Søster Koch. They are spiritual GIANTS and have served in SO many ways here in Denmark

 On splits with Amager Søstre. We started a biker gang. 

Busy as always this Sister Missionary does not take a break. We are for sure proud of her and service to the Danish people and even more her service to the Lord.

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