Søster Holbrook and Søster Lanham in Copenhagen
Hey everyone!
1. Elder Andersen came to the mission! I feel like I learned so much from him! Three things I have already begun to apply are 1. pray every morning "Don't let me waste the day. Give me the faith and energy to find someone today." 2. Memorize scriptures that I really truly believe and learn how to apply it so smoothly like Elder Andersen roll played for us. 3. Increase my faith, because he promised us that "it will grow if it is your desire." I so look forward to the upcoming months. I see a lot of growth and I feel ready to face it!
2. K gave his old teacher a Book of Mormon! He is following the Savior's counsel that "when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." I look forward to hear about his progress in the upcoming weeks!
3. I got transferred to Vejle! Another Sister will take my place and finish training Sister Lanham, and I will be an STL for the South Jutland zone. It was hard to say goodbye to Sister Lanham, but I am super excited to serve the sisters over here! I feel humbled to have such an incredible opportunity. Before I got the transfer call, I put the following verse on my planner: "He raised up unto them [Søster Holbrook] to be their [servant]; to whom he also gave testimony and said, I have found [Søster Holbrook] the daughter of [Lincoln], a [wo]man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will." Acts 13:22. I didn't imagine how true that scripture would come to be! God has been raising me up to be a servant for the sisters, and even though I only got one transfer with Sister Lanham, I know that this is where God wants me to be. That gives me a lot of comfort. Especially because I felt so inadequate.. Me?! As a trainer I often questioned "Am I growing?" "Am I who God excepts me to be?" "Am I really helping Sister Lanham become the missionary that she needs to be?" and surprisingly I often felt unsure of my answer. But getting the call from President on Saturday morning helped me really feel like I am on the path of progression that God wants me to be on! He is, like the scripture says, bearing testimony of me as I try to obey every personal commandment that I receive.
4. God works in mysterious ways. Sister Lanham and I were biking to the church and her skirt got stuck in her back bike tire! It happens occasionally and you can still bike and it is fine, but Sister Lanham, without any signal slams on her brakes! So hard that her back tire lifted off the ground about a foot and a half and she almost went over her handle bars! I was biking close behind her and of course had no time to stop so I crash directly into the back of her and fly into the middle of the street! We were both fine so we got a good laugh. But the little miracle? Sister Lanham's bike's gears were out of alignment so her bike stuttered and popped all the time, but somehow me crashing into the back of her realigned her tires! She has has almost zero popping since then! Crazy huh?
Well. I hope you all are doing well.
Søster Holbrook
Quick food with Mormor and Morfar before going back to Esbjerg.
A sweet Lady on Amager did this painting of Søster Holbrook, pretty neat and fun I think.
Søster Lanham and Søster Holbrook :o)
All the missionaries in Denmark after the fireside with Elder Anderson. Can you find Søster Holbrook?
Yardwork is ALWAYS fun :o)
I just LOVE this picture... She looks so HAPPY!!
Yardwork is ALWAYS fun :o)
I just LOVE this picture... She looks so HAPPY!!
Wow what a week for Søster Holbrook. She had a chance to listen to a prophet's voice in Elder Anderson from the 12 Apostles. She saw Mormor and Morfar for a quit bite to eat and she was transferred to Vejle, where she will be a Sister Training Leader. Not a bad week at all. We are so grateful for all that she is becoming and all that she is learning!