Monday, May 8, 2017

Legoland and just enjoying being a missionary in beautiful Denmark

Søster Holbrook is having a blast in Denmark and it is getting so GREEN over there. May is my VERY FAVORITE month in Denmark because the nature is so beautiful so I am a little jealous that she is there right now ;o).

 Søster Holbrook looks so happy and look how green it is !!

 Lego's are a Danish invention and so of course you have to see Legoland whe you are there!
Trying to teach "everyone" they meet ;o)

 Email from Søster Holbrook this week:

Hello All,

All is well here in Esbjerg! It is getting warmer each day and I just love it. :)

Søster Lanham and I got roasted for an entire knocking session this past Sunday, but we look forward to knocking in that area again! We feel strongly that that is where we need to be and so we will keep going back until we find the one! 

1 Corinthians 11:30-31
 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.

In other news: K is doing great and has committed to come to church the next THREE Sundays in preparation for his baptism! That is HUGE for him!!!! We get to squeeze in one more lesson with him tonight before we head to København. He will actually be over there this weekend too! He is going on the ward temple trip and will sit in the waiting room and ponder the solemnities of eternity. He has been wanting to go for a while and our ward mission leader (who is good friends with K) has felt like he should take K there for a while. We committed them to it a couple of weeks ago, so it is cool to see it all coming together finally! D(an investigator that lives in Ribe, Denmark's oldest city, and was a referral from a member in Utah!) is doing really well too! We finally got another appointment with her and it went great! We taught her the plan of salvation and she absolutely loved it! Especially because she has two family members currently dying from cancer. We look forward to seeing the gospel bless her life. 

The sun is shining in Esbjerg and on our companionship!

Love you all!
Søster Holbrook
 AWESOME picture.
 Two sweet sister missionaries.

 I think they are having a GREAT time together ;o)

Another great week for Søster Holbrook on the mission. She is really enjoying her time with Sister Lanham and they are learning so many awesome things together.

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