Saturday, May 20, 2017

Late skype time for Mother's day was finally here.

Yep..... we had to wait another 6 days to see and talk to Søster Holbrook this time around because Mika was in Costa Rica and McKay was coming home from Japan. Also Lincoln was scheduled to be on a business trip that got move to another week so really it would only have been me that was home. Let me tell you it was worth the wait to talk to her.

 Look how happy she looks :o) So grateful for the SWEET family that took the picture and let her Skype from their home.

Saying HI !!

She is still as BEAUTIFUL as ever.

Our three treasures that Heaven sent to us!!

 Søster Lanham and  Søster Holbrook.

Another GREAT time spent with our FAVORITE missionary. She is love life in Denmark and she still has her own wit and fun way of being.  We miss her but are grateful that she is serving in denmark.

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