Monday, May 1, 2017

Missionary life is great and Søster Holbrook is very happy!!

This week we got an email from Søster Holbrook what a blessing... hey that does not happen every week that we get a group email so we better count the blessing as they come ;o)

These 2 sweet sisters are learning and growing together and Søster Holbrook is saying she is the one that is learning the most ;o)

Email from Søster Holbrook this week:

Hey everyone!

Life as a missionary is busy as usual, which is why I have been so inconsistent with writing weekly emails. I hope you all know that I am happy and healthy and love the work more and more each day! Really I didn't know it was possible to love it more, but I seem to just find more joy with each passing day. Life is good. God is good!

A while ago I mentioned something about our investigator  who was on baptismal date for April 9th and here is the update with him: he did not get baptized on that day. He didn't feel quite ready for the commitment but feels like he will be ready on June 4th! He has had some very incredible experiences with the Book of Mormon. In his own words, "I don't even know if the book is true, but it is influencing my life so much!" He gave up coffee, asked for non-alcoholic drinks while on vacation, and decided that he will have kids one day (seriously he has been against that for so long so that last one is just crazy!)! In all of these cases he said "I didn't even know why I did it at first. But then looking back it is because of the book and what you sister have taught me!" HOW INCREDIBLE IS THAT!!!!! He recognizes that that is the Holy Ghost bearing testimony of the truthfulness of our message, but still has some reservations about leaving his own church. I imagine it's like God asking me to leave this church and go to the Jehovah's Witnesses or something. It would be very hard to leave a church that has fostered so much growth! So we keep teaching and keep praying and keep listening to the quite promptings of the Spirit to help prepare him to reach his new date. I have complete confidence that he will be ready to make that special and sacred covenant with God in just a few short weeks!

This story has prompted me to ponder more deeply the Atonment and the converting power of being nourished by the good word of God. Two scriptures that I have pondered a lot this week are: 1. 1 Corinthians 15:10 "by the grace of God I am what I am." and Moroni 10:32 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." I often think of who I would be without the Savior's atonement in my life, and I can honestly say that I am ashamed of who I would inherently be. I know my weakness and I know what the Savior has helped me overcome... and I can say that I am a completely changed person. I know the every "good" part of my comes from Him. and because I have felt that change, and seen that change I KNOW that the Savior lives! That is why I especially love the end of Moroni 10:32 because "I can in nowise deny the power of God." It has transformed me. I am what I am because of the Grace of God. and because of the Grace of God that I have experienced I know that He lives!!!!!!!! I know that there is a special power that comes from reading God's word every day! God's word motivates change (just reread Kevin's story!!!) and the more we spend feasting upon the words of Christ, the more like the Savior we can become!

Sister Lanham is awesome and I feel like she is training me more than I am training her! She is incredible, even though she can't spell her own name right (see pictures). ha-ha

Thanks for the support!

Søster Holbrook
 This apron is saying in Danish: "me.. I have to work " :o)
 Søster Holbrook has gotten MANY great friends in Denmark.

 AWESOME t-shirt... I like it !!

 Did these sweet Sisters maybe go for a morning run ... maybe :o)

I love this flag. It is hanging in the sister apartment in Esbjeg and every sister that serves there will sign the flag. Sweet tradition and a fun thing for decoration. 
Søster Holbrook is working hard and is loving being a missionary. We are so happy that she is out serving and of course she is in the BEST mission EVER ;o). We look forward to our call with her in the next few weeks that is ALWAYS a treat.

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