Søster Holbrook has always loved animals but goats are one of her favorite and they are mine too :o)
HALLLOOOOO .... How are you today :o)
Up, up and away...
I LOVE this food is AWESOME ;o)
Email from Søster Holbrook and Søster Baird:
Hey Everyone!
Some thoughts from Sister Baird:
"I just have to go chronologically this week, there were so many cool things that happened.
Tuesday: We had planned to take a bus up to this neighborhood called Vinding. We'd kind of gone back and forth about going up there, we weren't sure if we really should go up there. As we're sitting on the bus, I started feeling super uneasy and felt like we should not be sitting on the bus. So we got off the bus, and walked back towards the busy streets where the people are to contact. On our way we met two crazy people that tried to convince us demons were going to be unleashed on the 23 of October. Be prepared everyone. (I wonder if that's how we come across to the people we contact. :)
But I don't actually know why we needed to get off that bus. There was no clear miracle or obvious danger. But we got off the bus.
Later that afternoon we stopped by a less active who's really been struggling with her family. Side note: We just called her out of the blue last weekly planning, and she said she really needed a visit. We had felt prompted to bring my violin with us. We asked if we could share a musical spiritual thought, and said I had my violin with me. She was so touched. She LOVES the violin (something we didn't know beforehand). She asked me to play Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and the Spirit was so strong. It was such a sweet experience. She told us that it was a confirmation to her that her Heavenly Father loves her.
Torsday: We went down to this little area called Børkop where we had an appointment with this guy named H. He was a soldier and we think he might have a bit of trauma because of that. But we walk up and knock on the front door, which is made of glass. We can see into their house and he and his girlfriend are sitting at the table. They don't get up to answer the door for about five minutes. (Ok, probably not actually that long, but it felt like forever.) They look at us and are talking to each-other. Then she walks over to the door, and pulls the blinds down! We just stood there not sure if we should stay or go or what. So we decided to write a little note and come back later. As we're standing there writing the note, she peeked through the blinds again to see if we were still there. It was SO awkward.
We went and knocked a different area, but on our way back we passed their house. The girlfriend was in the yard peeping at us over the fence. We looked at her and she ducked and tried to hide behind the fence. Again, so awkward. Sådan er den missionær liv. :)"
Some thoughts from me:
This week we stopped by our friends R and G! We showed up in our service clothes because we had offered service in the past, but they didn't need help with anything. Rose also told us, "I have thought more about the Mormon church and it is not for me." You can imagine how devastated we were because she was the one who we had the most hope for. We told her "oh well we weren't here to talk about that today, just to do some service." Their son Marcus then comes up and says "Hey, do you guys have time to come in and talk for a little bit?" R was still pretty wary at this point, but we got let in! We ended up having a great conversation with them and we left with an invitation to dinner later that same evening! We left to do our other stop bys and then came back for dinner. We had a great time and as we were eating dessert (A chocolate and licorice cake made in the microwave. It was pretty good actually!) R FINALLY opens up about her concerns. She told us about a tv program that she had seen that talked about Mormons, polygamy, and a person claiming to be a prophet just so he could take advantage of women. We of course resolved those concerns real fast and had the opportunity to bear witness of the Savior and that we are only here to bring people closer to Christ. They were really touched and we left with the door again opened to us. She also sent us home with two more paintings (with poems!), two mini flower plants, and a cook book that she never uses anymore.
Our friend Y has been very sick recently so we thought we'd bring her a little "get well gift" and tell her we love her. We planned on doorbell ditching it, but she was outside with her dogs when we showed up!! We had a great conversation and got some much needed hugs. God's timing is perfect!!
Thanks for the support!
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