Monday, September 11, 2017

Another week in Vejle for Søster Holbrook ... What a wonderful time!!

It was Zone Conference for Søster Holbrook this week and she had a great time there. She loves to see "old" companions and enjoy meeting the other missionaries.

Søster Holbrook and Søster Nelson at Zone Conference.

Jylland is often called the "promised land" among missionaries. I know why. :o)

Hey Everyone!

We saw even more tender mercies this week that confirm we are where we were supposed to be, when we were supposed to be there. There was a day where we were out on the gågade to contact people, but we both felt funny about being there. So we decide to go to a nearby park and there we find an old investigator named Kathrine! She was so excited to see us and she said that she was going to text us so we could come and visit her, but that she had lost our number! Later that same day, we saw another old investigator on his way to Copenhagen! He dropped us a while ago, and still wasn't interested in meeting with us again, but it was a great opportunity to talk with him and share the light!

 A young man named O called us this week and wanted to learn more about Christianity! We gave him a pass along card a couple of weeks ago while he was outside the gym with some friends and HE ACTUALLY CALLED US. That is not something that happens everyday. Anyway, we had an appointment with him and he is a nice young guy! He knows almost nothing about the Savior, but he wants to learn so that is super exciting!

A "Søster Holbrook" story for the week: We were knocking doors and at one door we could hear someone vacuuming really loudly inside so I knock pretty hard to make sure she hears it and ended up accidentally OPENING THE DOOR. There was nothing I could do but try to shut the door quickly and stand their awkwardly while she opened the door with a confused look on her face.

Have a great week!
Søster Holbrook

 She is a doll....

It is still raining in Vejle !!

We are still missing our Søster Holbrook but happy she is doing well. Denmark is blessed to have her!!

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